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Monday, January 7, 2013

The Glamorous Life

Ahhh, the glamorous life of a Local Lodge president. Today I went to the Local to make sure everything was ready for tomorrow's meeting. So what exactly does that entail?

  • Printing the committees for the Local and their responsibilities
  • Getting my agenda ready, not really an agenda - more of a worksheet
  • Checking the mail
  • Signing checks
  • Getting the mail out to the box
  • Getting the new mail
  • Sweep
  • Mop
  • Clean the toilet
  • Take out the trash
See... it's just so exciting!! It may not seem so exciting, but honestly, I love it. There are times that it may feel overwhelming, but I wouldn't change it for the world. 

I was having a discussion with a General Chair today (while I was at the Local) and we chatted about the election this year. I told him I love the role I play and just hope that the membership continues to put their trust in me. I have faith in them... but I admit - I'm a bit nervous. 

So, let's just hope and pray that all will work out. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Location Laughter

Ten months out of the year we are able to bid a DFOC, Day Free on Company (or as a friend once told me, Day to F*** Off Charlie), it's essentially a holiday. We bid by seniority and there are limited DFOCs that are offered. We have about 500 people in our office and it does take about 6 hours to complete the full process. A Shop Steward meets with an admin and we sort the bid by seniority, and then go through and assign the DFOCs. 

Yesterday we worked the bid for February. I was expecting my fellow Steward, Joyce, to do the bid but she was called in to another meeting. So, it was me and Mitch working the bid. We work well together and can share those laughs that could seriously get someone in trouble. 

By the end of the bid process we are all a little punchy. At one point we were both quiet, I looked over at him and said, "Were you waiting for me?" Which cracked us up because he was of course, waiting for me! But wait - that's not all... 

I was saying someone's name, they have one name but go by another. So I was Judy, Jody, whatever... and he says, "Potato, tomato - what's the difference?" Of course - I cracked up at this... I knew full well what he wanted to say but that the fact that he said this was absolutely PERFECT. 

Some days - you just need laughter. May not be funny to you and it could be a location joke - but for me? It was tremendously wonderful. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


In my role as president of my Local Lodge, my main job is to maintain order and calm at our meetings. Oh, I have lots of other responsibilities as well... but in an air transport lodge, it is not my job to know the ins and outs of every contract or even to sit in on contract negotiations. However, I am frequently called in to handle any internal disputes or to guide people in the right direction.

About eight months ago it came to my attention that a member was saying some pretty vicious things about me. Several people heard it first hand, and then came the rumor mill... The hard part is that I've had to remain civil to this person. I didn't want to file any union charges because that is never good for the membership.

Today, I received the best revenge. They called me for assistance. They were questioning verbiage on the FMLA paperwork their company provides. Then, it was that their FMLA was denied because of the age of their child. I advised that they could not deny it if the doctor determined that their adult child had a temporary physical disability. We talked at length about what happened and what needed to be done. Even following it up with e-mailed information from the DOL site.

At the end of our conversation I was told, "Thank you Melissa for your time and help." For some reason I'm thinking of the conversation between Tim McGraw and Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.

Sean Tuohy: You really expect Michael to lay down on a couch and talk about his childhood like he's Woody Allen or something? I mean, Michael's gift is his ability to forget. He's mad at no one and he really doesn't care what happened in the past.
Leigh Anne Touhy: You're right. 
Sean Tuohy: Excuse me? "You're right?" How'd those words taste coming out of your mouth? 
Leigh Anne Touhy: Like vinegar. 

So, I just bet that thank you tasted just like vinegar.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An Eye for Errors

About four times a year I serve as a proofreader for a friend of mine. I get paid pretty well for it and I really enjoy seeing something on the "ground floor." I've always been able to spot those odd errors and catch the crazy extra spaces that don't belong or just knowing certain grammar rules. I will still make those errors myself - but like everything else - it's easier to spot the errors someone else makes than the ones you do.

Imagine my pride and joy at the text I received from my daughter. She was studying a textbook today that was, ironically, explaining how she should do things as a teacher. There it was...

I realize it's on its side - hopefully you can see it. "The following chart shows the yearly average number of international tourists visiting Palm Beach for 1990-1994.How may more international tourists visited Palm Beach in 1994 than in 1991?" Ignoring the lack of a space between 1994. and How.... there is the the glaring, "How may," instead of, "How many..."

I'll keep trying to focus and pay attention. Cross those t's and dot the i's.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Liberal's Lament

As I was finishing a book earlier today I let my mind wander. It was ok - I'd read the book before. Last night on a post on Facebook a friend of mine made the suggestion that I write. Funny, right? For years I wanted to write a best selling summer trash novel. Right now, I'd be happy to write a novel and sell 'em for $1.99 for the Nook or Kindle.

But then, right at the end of the summer trash novel I was reading, I started thinking of the different debates going on right now and I started lamenting my position as a bleeding heart liberal. Don't get me wrong - I'm definitely a liberal. Among other things...

  • I believe in a woman's right to choose how she handles her own body
  • I believe in health care (not just health insurance) for all
  • I believe that everyone should have the right to marry the person they love
  • I believe that higher education should be financially affordable for all
  • I believe that all workers should have a collective bargaining agreement
  • I believe that as patriots we should support our own country's products
  • I believe that regardless of race, creed, color, beliefs, sexual orientation - we should all be treated as equals
But, along with those? 
  • I believe that if someone is found guilty of a crime (like murder) they should be put to death
  • I believe that everyone should be able to legally own a firearm 
  • With that - they should have the responsibility to keep it for their own use only
  • Also - I really don't understand the use of an uzi or semi-automatic, I don't know what they're hunting... but it's not animals
Perhaps I'm not a bleeding heart liberal? Perhaps I'm a realist liberal? Is there such a thing? I used to proudly wear rose colored glasses and enjoyed my view of the world. No longer. I have removed my glasses, smashed them. I will see the world as it truly is and work to make changes within my realm. Don't get me wrong - I'm still a dreamer. I know I'm not the only one. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Comes to a Close

Soon it will be 2013 and I have been reflecting a lot on my past and decisions for my future. I came across my blog and decided that I would make an effort to write my random thoughts on the pages within. Some, may not be fit to be print - and that is fine. That's the awesome part of the blogosphere - I can edit even once it is posted!

I had hoped I would be done with school and on my way to a new life. But, that hasn't happened yet. Finances have not been there for me and it is holding me up from finishing. I have big dreams and yet - my reality seems to fall short.

In July I began writing on my Facebook page things 5 things I am grateful for. I didn't know how long I would keep doing it - but I've only missed a day or two in that time frame. I would like to continue my gratefuls because they certainly keep me in check.

In the year ahead I will have some challenges. Just a few of which is that I will be up for reelection February/March for my State Council position as Secretary/Treasurer, in June for my Shop Steward position and in December for reelection for President of my Local Lodge. I love what I do for the membership of my union.

Well, I'm off to read in the New Year, yep - you read that right. I'm going to be reading as the New Year rings in without much of a fuss on my end.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Collaborate or BUST!

What FUN! Yes, I am actually talking about homework.

The group that we used for our web conferencing decided to join forces once again. We sent one another e-mails and decided it would be "easy" for the three of us.

The funny thing is that we are supposed to be focusing on the fact that we are collaborating using Google Docs and yet we can't let go of the fact that we want to present something FANTASTIC! So, we're working on the fantastic part. :)

I had never worked with Google Docs prior to this class. But I have to say that it really is quite easy to use and can be quite beneficial for a distance education class. Or, any class, really. It enables you to work simultaneously as well as separately while working on the same document.

Let's say I have a paper I'm working on. I ask a friend in another area to please read and edit for me. When they do the edits, I will ask them to put them in red font so I can see what they recommend. All that is necessary is for an Internet connection. I don't have to pass the document back and forth and then compare the differences. I can see their edits and suggestions.

With our group, we started a Word document and shared some ideas back and forth. We each selected a color font. I chose green, Jeff was blue and Terri selected pink. It was easier to get an idea of who was "talking." One evening Jeff and Terri were able to talk back and forth in the Word document and I signed on about an hour later. I was seriously bummed! Stupid 3 hour time difference!! But, thanks to the color font I was able to see what was discussed and add my own ideas - albeit at a later time.

I left a note in the document and said I'd be there the next evening and set a time. The following day Jeff and I chatted back and forth then decided it was time to start on the presentation. We discussed what slides we would take and then pretty much did a, "one, two, three... BREAK!"

Our presentation is not done yet... but we have another week to work through it. :-) Oh boy, I can't wait to post a link on here!! I don't even want to say what our presentation is about, I'm so excited!!

Go ahead - say it. GEEK.

I am happily updating the link to our presentation. I hope you get a kick out of it and also learn a thing or two in the process!